Netherlands - 2014_2015 - Table 3

Question ISCED 1 ISCED 2 Sources used Notes
1 How many pupils have an official decision of SEN in: 27,956 39,096 Statistics Netherlands (CBS) All pupils educated in special schools.
2 How many pupils with an official decision of SEN are educated in formal mainstream educational settings with their non disabled peers of the same age for at least 80% of the time in: NA NA Until 2014, pupils with special educational needs were receiving 'backpack financing', which they could use for mainstream education or special education. These pupils were registered. Since 2014, 'backpack financing' no longer exists, so there is no registration of pupils with special educational needs in mainstream education.
3 How many pupils with an official decision of SEN are educated in separate special classes in mainstream schools in: NA NA There is no data collection of special classes in mainstream schools. Special classes are possible and allowed, but there is no central registration. For instance, some regions are experimenting with specialised classes for gifted children or children with autism.
4 How many pupils with an official decision of SEN are educated in separate special schools in: 27,956 39,096 CBS All pupils in special schools. This number is equal to Question 1, because there is no longer registration of pupils with special educational needs in mainstream education.
5 How many pupils with an official decision of SEN are educated in non-formal educational provision maintained by the education, health, social or justice sectors in: NA NA In the Netherlands, schools connected to treatment centres in the health, social or justice sectors are part of the formal education system.