Raising the Achievement of all Learners in Inclusive Education – Project kick-off meeting

The kick off meeting for the Agency’s Raising Achievement project will be held in Athens as an event under the Greek Presidency of the EU. The meeting, from 17 to 19 June, will be attended by researchers and school leaders from Agency member countries. The keynote speaker will be Dan Habib from the University of New Hampshire, USA.

Raising the Achievement of all Learners in Inclusive Education, the Agency's new project building on the findings and recommendations of the previous Raising Achievement for All Learners project work, focuses in particular on the themes of pedagogical approaches for all, personalisation and inclusive leadership. The project will also take account of the potential of ICT in education and link to the European Commission ‘Opening Up Education’ initiative that aims to ‘allow All individuals to learn, Anywhere, Anytime, through Any device, with the support of Anyone'. (Communication from the Commission on Opening Up Education, 2013).

Participants at the kick-off meeting will have the opportunity to hear about relevant research, take part in workshops on key project themes and share practice from their own countries. The meeting will support a collaborative approach to planning the next steps in the project.

Further information will be available on the Agency website following the meeting.

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