The Organisation of Provision to Support Inclusive Education project (2011–2014) set out to address the question: How are systems of provision organised to meet the needs of learners identified as having disabilities under the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) in inclusive settings within the compulsory school sector?
Following a review of recent Agency work and relevant literature, Agency member countries completed a questionnaire on how they currently organise and evaluate the provision for learners with disabilities in mainstream schools.
Austria, Germany, Malta, Slovenia and Sweden hosted thematic seminars between October and December 2013, aiming to explore in more detail the factors arising from the visits that have an influence on the success of inclusive education, taking into account different country contexts. Policy makers and experts, as well as national and local representatives attended the seminars, allowing for relevant issues to be considered at local, national and European levels.
The reports from all the visits and a summary of key issues discussed at the project seminars are available on the project web area.
A final project report and a policy brief are now available in 22 languages. The report draws together evidence from all project activities and, following an analysis of key issues, provides a series of recommendations on child rights and participation, conceptual clarity and coherence and the development of a continuum of support for all learners.