The eBulletin presents updates and news on activities from the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education and its member countries.

Agency eBulletin March 2024

This eBulletin brings news of recent Agency publications and activities, including a literature review to guide the Thematic Country Cluster Activities, which aim to address Agency member countries’ priorities by working in small clusters of countries.

Find out about forthcoming events to mark the 30th anniversary of the Salamanca Statement, including a high-level policy dialogue and a Global Inclusive Schools’ Forum.

Finally, the newsletter gives an update on Technical Support Instrument work in Finland and Ireland, and in France.

For more news from the Agency, visit the News section

New Agency resources

Towards a Multi-Level, Multi-Stakeholder Quality Assurance, Monitoring and Accountability Framework

Cover: Thematic Country Cluster Activities Literature ReviewFor the rest of the Multi-Annual Work Programme 2021–2027, Agency work will address Agency member country priorities through Thematic Country Cluster Activities (TCCA). This literature review serves as stimulus material for planning and preparing the first cycle of work. It documents and discusses recent findings from international and academic literature relating to three inter-connected and inter-dependent priority areas:

  • Monitoring and evaluation of policy implementation for inclusive education
  • Supporting collaborative working across sectors, levels and the full range of stakeholders
  • Developing multi-level, multi-stakeholder quality assurance, monitoring and accountability frameworks for inclusive education.

Cover: Transforming Education in a Digital World to Enable Inclusive Learning ExperiencesTransforming Education in a Digital World to Enable Inclusive Learning Experiences

This think piece, related to the Inclusive Digital Education activity, presents key changes in thinking and concepts around inclusive education and developments in digital technology. It stresses the influence of digital advancements on teaching and learning opportunities and indicates how inclusive education and digital technology are interconnected.


Video – Changing Role of Specialist Provision in Supporting Inclusive Education: Policy Self-Review Tool Logo: Changing Role of Specialist Provision

This video presentation explores the Policy Self-Review Tool from the Agency’s Changing Role of Specialist Provision in Supporting Inclusive Education (CROSP) activity. The video gives guidance on how to use the tool, which aims to help education policy- and decision-makers to reflect and develop a continuum of support for inclusive education.


30th Anniversary of the Salamanca Statement

A group of children sit down the side of a table, smiling at the camera. Their open lunchboxes are on the table in front of them.

The Agency is participating in a global event to mark the 30th anniversary of the Salamanca Statement. The Statement defined the fundamental principle of inclusive education, that all children should learn together whatever their needs. The anniversary event will be an opportunity to reflect on both progress and barriers in inclusive education, encouraging discussion on how countries are promoting inclusion in their educational policies.
The event includes a high-level policy dialogue entitled ‘Every learner matters and matters equally’ and a Global Inclusive Schools’ Forum on ‘Inclusion in education – Moving from policy to practice’.

Visit the news page for details of the event and how to get involved.

The Agency’s Technical Support Instrument work

Fostering Inclusive Quality Education in Finland and Ireland

A kick-off event took place in January for a multi-country project involving Finland and Ireland. The Fostering Inclusive Quality Education in Finland and Ireland project is funded by the European Union via the Technical Support Instrument (TSI) and implemented with support from the Agency. The project aims to improve the countries’ capacity to foster inclusion in their education systems.

Find out more about the project and the kick-off event. Watch a video message from Mario Nava, the European Commission’s Director-General of Structural Reform Support, on the Agency’s YouTube channel.


Developing an inclusive education app in France: study visits and stakeholder consultation

Two study visits took place in France in February 2024 as part of the TSI project to enhance a new digital app for inclusive education. The study visits aimed to initiate an in-depth discussion on preliminary recommendations to improve the Livret de Parcours Inclusif (inclusive course booklet).

Read more about the study visits.

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Co-funded by the European Union
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.

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