Towards a Multi-Level, Multi-Stakeholder Quality Assurance, Monitoring and Accountability Framework

For the rest of the Multi-Annual Work Programme 2021–2027, Agency work will address Agency member country priorities through Thematic Country Cluster Activities (TCCA). The agreed priorities for the first cycle of TCCA work are:

  • Monitoring and evaluation of policy implementation for inclusive education
  • Supporting collaborative working across sectors, levels and the full range of stakeholders
  • Developing multi-level, multi-stakeholder quality assurance, monitoring and accountability frameworks for inclusive education.

This literature review serves as stimulus material for planning and preparing the first cycle of TCCA (2023–2025). It documents and discusses recent findings from international and academic literature relating to the three TCCA priority areas, which are inter-connected and inter-dependent.

This review aims to support the further development and implementation of policy and practice for equitable inclusive education within an overarching approach of continuous system improvement.

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country cluster activity
policy analysis
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