We carry out activities involving our extensive network in Agency member countries. The aim is to provide member countries and stakeholders at the European level with evidence-based information and guidance on implementing inclusive education systems.

Read about the various Agency activities in detail below. You can use the filters to search and select the activities you want to see based on their theme, the participating countries, or the years they took place in. You can select multiple filters to narrow down your search.

This is a list of Agency activities in chronological order.

For further information on any of the Agency activities, please contact the Secretariat: secretariat@european-agency.org


image of young person using assistive technology


ICT for Information Accessibility in Learning

The ICT4IAL project is a multi-disciplinary network of European and international partners that represent both learning and ICT communities aiming to raise awareness and increase the visibility of the issue of accessible information provision and its relevance for equitable lifelong learning opportunities and support accessible information provision within organisation.

young person looking at a screen with projection

ICT for Inclusion

The ICT4I project focuses on the use of ICT to support the learning of learners with disabilities and special educational needs in inclusive settings within compulsory education.

young children playing with colourful lego

Raising Achievement for All Learners – Quality in Inclusive Education

The RA4AL project aims to address the ways in which inclusive policy and practice can raise the achievement of all learners.

chairs in a conference hall

Mapping the Implementation of Policy for Inclusive Education

Policy-makers working in inclusive education need to know what qualitative and quantitative information to collect and the best methods of doing this in order to map the implementation of policies for inclusive education. The goal for the MIPIE project is to provide them with clear proposals on agreed signposts to track progress towards educational inclusion.

young person using ICT at a conference

Accessible Information Provision for Lifelong Learning

This project set out to use existing European and international policy and standards for information accessibility as a basis for discussing the implications, as well as the practical implementation of accessible information provision within lifelong learning.

schoolchildren sitting at their desks

Multicultural Diversity and Special Needs Education

The Multicultural Diversity and Special Needs Education project analyses the connection between special needs education and immigration. It involved 25 European countries between 2006 and 2008.

young students in classroom environment

Assessment in Inclusive Settings

The two phases of the Assessment in Inclusive Settings project examines how assessment policy and practice can support effective decision-making about teaching and learning approaches, methods and steps.

Indicators for Inclusive Education

Two consecutive projects focusing on the development of a set of indicators for inclusive education in Europe.

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