Belgium (French) - 2012_2013 - Table 1

Question ISCED level 1 ISCED level 2 Sources used Notes
1 How many school aged children are there at: 321,733 106,348 Belgium’s French-speaking community comprises 90% of the Brussels-Capital region plus the Walloon region (minus the children of the German-speaking municipalities).
2 How many pupils are enrolled in all formal educational settings in: 329,764 130,030 Several reasons may explain differences: distribution among French and Flemish learners in Brussels-Capital; population changes within the regions in Belgium; learners living abroad; special education programmes that are attended by learners who are older than the theoretical ISCED 1 and 2 ages; school repetition.
3 How many pupils are out of any formal educational settings in: M M No data available.
4 How many pupils are enrolled in mainstream formal educational settings with their non-disabled peers in: 312,921 116,863 All learners are enrolled administratively in mainstream schools.
5 How many pupils are enrolled and educated in mainstream classes with their non-disabled peers for at least 80% of the time in: 312,921 116,863 All learners are enrolled administratively in mainstream schools. Learners enrolled in special schools and following lessons in special schools are not included.