Finland - 2014_2015 - Table 3

Question ISCED 1 ISCED 2 Sources used Notes
1 How many pupils have an official decision of SEN in: 23,100 15,843
2 How many pupils with an official decision of SEN are educated in formal mainstream educational settings with their non disabled peers of the same age for at least 80% of the time in: 8,133 6,880 Statistics Finland, This is a proxy – no exact data is available. The Finnish data collection proxy counts pupil groups where 'all teaching in provided in a general education group' and where '51 to 99 percent of teaching is provided in a general education group'. This means that the proxy also includes those pupils with special educational needs who receive 51%–79% of their teaching in mainstream classes.
3 How many pupils with an official decision of SEN are educated in separate special classes in mainstream schools in: 12,628 7,134 Statistics Finland,
4 How many pupils with an official decision of SEN are educated in separate special schools in: 2,339 1,829 Statistics Finland,
5 How many pupils with an official decision of SEN are educated in non-formal educational provision maintained by the education, health, social or justice sectors in: M M No data available