Italy - 2014_2015 - Table 1

Question ISCED 1 ISCED 2 Sources used Notes
1 How many school aged children are there at: 2,870,743 1,708,078 Eurostat 6–10 years for ISCED level 1 and 11–13 years for ISCED level 2.
2 How many pupils are enrolled in all formal educational settings in: 2,820,696 1,738,729 Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) The reasons for discrepancy with Question 1 are: (1) many 6-year-old pupils are enrolled in ISCED 0 (pre-primary), (2) many 10-year-old pupils are enrolled in ISCED 2 (lower-secondary education), (3) some pupils older than 13 years old are enrolled in ISCED 2, (4) sources for population and pupil enrolment are different.
3 How many pupils are out of any formal educational settings in: M M No data available.
4 How many pupils are enrolled in mainstream formal educational settings with their non-disabled peers in: 2,819,507 1,738,507 MIUR Difference from Question 2 and the number of pupils enrolled in separate special schools (not necessarily with an official decision of SEN).
5 How many pupils are enrolled and educated in mainstream classes with their non-disabled peers for at least 80% of the time in: 2,819,507 1,738,507 MIUR The same as Question 4 because the Italian school system does not have special classes in mainstream schools.