Sweden - 2014_2015 - Table 2

Question 9 years 15 years Sources used Notes
1 How many children are aged: 109,989 99,226 Eurostat, population on 1 January 2015
2 How many pupils are enrolled in all formal educational settings aged: M M Age is not collected for all pupils in school. Sweden’s Personal Data Act forbids the sampling of the social security numbers of pupils in special programmes, special schools, ethnic schools (Sami schools) and denominational schools.
3 How many pupils are out of any formal educational settings aged: NA NA Please refer to the Country Background Information on ‘out of formal education’.
4 How many pupils are enrolled in mainstream formal educational settings with their non-disabled peers in: M M Age is not collected for all pupils in school. Sweden’s Personal Data Act forbids the sampling of the social security numbers of pupils in special programmes, special schools, ethnic schools (Sami schools) and denominational schools.
5 How many pupils are enrolled and educated in mainstream classes with their non-disabled peers for at least 80% of the time in: M M There is no data at class level.