Switzerland - 2014_2015 - Table 1

Question ISCED 1 ISCED 2 Sources used Notes
1 How many school aged children are there at: 477,501 248,703 Annual population survey UNESCO-UIS/OECD/EUROSTAT (UOE) entire population data. The permanent resident population includes all persons of Swiss nationality with their main place of residence in Switzerland; persons of foreign nationality holding a residence or settlement permit for a minimum duration of 12 months (Permit B or C or FDA permit – international officials, diplomats and members of their family); foreign nationals holding a short-stay permit (Permit L) for a cumulative period of at least 12 months; and asylum seekers (Permit F or N) who have resided in Switzerland for a total of at least 12 months.
2 How many pupils are enrolled in all formal educational settings in: 490,469 261,629 Annual survey in all schools UOE enrolled school population data. 'Regular' pupils + pupils with special educational needs (SEN) + pupils with unspecified level. The selection made by the education statistics is based on the type of education followed by each pupil; each type of education is linked to a ISCED level (for example, primary school is linked to ISCED level 1). In addition to data by ISCED level, there are two categories of pupils: 1) pupils in special education (in a special class or school) who are not classified according to a level. For ISCED 1, the ages take into account are from 7 to 12 years. For ISCED 2, it is age 13 and older. 2) pupils in a programme abroad. There is over a 1% discrepancy between Question 1 and Question 2, because the information on the population (Question 1) and on pupils (Question 2) comes from different sources. The reference populations are not identical, so interlinking is not valid. By 'population' we mean, as noted, the 'UOE entire population data', i.e. the permanent resident population.
3 How many pupils are out of any formal educational settings in: M M No data available.
4 How many pupils are enrolled in mainstream formal educational settings with their non-disabled peers in: 481,831 255,003 Annual survey in all schools Settings' refers to schools. These figures include all pupils in mainstream schools (mainstream classes and special classes).
5 How many pupils are enrolled and educated in mainstream classes with their non-disabled peers for at least 80% of the time in: 473,237 249,421 Annual survey in all schools Only pupils in mainstream schools and in mainstream classes (excluding those in special classes).