UK (England) - 2014_2015 - Table 1

Question ISCED 1 ISCED 2 Sources used Notes
1 How many school aged children are there at: 3,927,416 2,992,497 Eurostat data: Population on 1 January by age, sex and nomenclature of territorial units for statistics (NUTS) 2 region (code: demo_r_d2jan)
2 How many pupils are enrolled in all formal educational settings in: 3,863,085 2,978,526 Schools, Pupils and their Characteristics, 2015 The difference in the numbers recorded in Question 1 and Question 2 is accounted for in part by slightly different dates for collecting the datasets, and by the fact that Eurostat data (Question 1) measures numbers resident, whereas Department for Education school census data (Question 2) measures those attending schools in England, with some residents attending schools in Wales and Scotland.
3 How many pupils are out of any formal educational settings in: M M Data not available.
4 How many pupils are enrolled in mainstream formal educational settings with their non-disabled peers in: 3,825,184 2,903,074 Schools, Pupils and their Characteristics, 2015 (, Tables 1a, b and c Pupils aged 5–10 (ISCED 1) and aged 11–15 (ISCED 2) in state-funded primary and secondary schools and independent schools (including independent special schools).
5 How many pupils are enrolled and educated in mainstream classes with their non-disabled peers for at least 80% of the time in: 3,818,089 2,892,974 Schools, Pupils and their Characteristics, 2015 and special educational needs in England, 2015, Calculated using Question 4 minus number of children in SEN units in state-funded primary schools (ISCED 1) and state-funded secondary schools (ISCED 2). Children without an 'official diagnosis of SEN' (children on 'SEN support') are also sometimes educated in 'SEN units', so Question 4 of this table minus Question 3 of the table 'Learners with an official decision of SEN' does not equal Question 5of this table. Please note that in Question 3 of the table 'Learners with an official decision of SEN', ISCED is defined by primary and secondary schools. In Question 4 here, ISCED is defined by ages 5–10 and 11–15, so coverage differs slightly between the two.