New report from the Supporting Inclusive School Leadership project

The Agency has published a new report in the Supporting Inclusive School Leadership (SISL) project.

The SISL project investigates how to develop and promote inclusive school-level leadership through national and local-level policy frameworks and support mechanisms.

The new report, entitled Inclusive School Leadership: A practical guide to developing and reviewing policy frameworks, is an output of phase 2 of the project. It offers a framework for all policy- and decision-makers who have a vision of more inclusive and equitable education for all. It sets out a vision, guiding principles, goals, objectives and a framework of standards and supportive policy measures for all education system levels.

The policy framework aims to be applicable to all countries’ contexts. It is open-source, which means that users can adapt it to their respective contexts. It can help users to develop and review new and existing policies aimed at school leadership, and to reflect on current practice.

The policy framework has been developed in collaboration with the SISL country cluster, with partners from Ireland, Malta, Hungary and Sweden, and was approved by all Agency member countries. A self-reflection tool that builds on the policy framework is now being developed with the aim of running a pilot in each of the partner countries this spring before it is published. This output will also be an open‑source document.

More details of the SISL project and its outputs are available in the SISL web area of the Agency website.

policy analysis
raising achievement
school leadership

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