Agency support for inclusive education in the Czech Republic

The Agency will provide technical support to the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MŠMT) to promote more inclusive and equitable learning opportunities for all learners in the Karlovarský and Ústecký regions of the Czech Republic. The project is funded by the European Union’s Structural Reform Support Programme (SRSP).

The Agency will work in close consultation with the team from the European Commission’s Structural Reform Support Service (SRSS), as well as with stakeholders from the MŠMT, the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and the Karlovarský and Ústecký regions. 

A kick-off meeting took place on 27–28 August in Prague. The meeting brought together key strategic stakeholders from ministries responsible for educational policies, governmental structures and academia, as well as from the regional councils of the two targeted regions. The meeting aimed to inform participants of the objectives of the support to be provided and the methodological approach being taken to achieve them. 

Stakeholders gave their views on key issues for consideration in the work. They took part in a guided discussion on the challenges of implementing inclusive and equitable learning opportunities for all learners and the main issues in overcoming disparities. 

The meeting was also an opportunity for the stakeholders from the Czech Republic to present key information on their education system and inclusive education to representatives from the European Commission’s SRSS and the Agency.

Logos of the Agency, the EU SRSS Programme and the Czech Republic's Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Logos of the Agency, the EU SRSS Programme and the Czech Republic's Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
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