New Special Educational Needs and Disability Data Comparison Tool in the UK (England)

A new Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) tool has been developed by the Local Government Association (LGA) in close cooperation with the UK Department for Education. This online tool allows anyone in England to compare the performance of local areas, statistical neighbours and national averages on a range of metrics. The Local Government Inform (LG Inform) service enables users to access, compare and analyse data in the field of special educational needs and disability.

LG Inform contains information on:

  • Local area SEND information
  • Implementation of the reforms
  • Attainment of pupils with SEN
  • Preparation for adulthood
  • Experience of the system.

LG Inform is freely available to everyone, including parents and carers. It aims to help promote evidence-driven decision making in the sector and to drive improvement of services through data transparency.

Users of the online tool can now compare local authority performance against a series of metrics and create their own SEND report. Data is drawn from key SEND publications and are intended to support local areas use of data and intelligence to measure progress and success.

You can access the SEND data comparison tool on the Local Government Association’s website.


data collection

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