The EASIE activities involve the development of associated materials and outputs that accompany the main datasets. These include a shadow cross-country report, materials on out-of-school learners, key messages and findings, and methodology reports.

Shadow Cross-Country Report

The Shadow Cross-Country Report for the 2020/2021 School Year forms part of the on-going reframing process to better align EASIE with other Agency activities and evolving perspectives on inclusive education systems. Authored by former EASIE data experts, the report aims to provide a comprehensive resource to inform possible future directions for EASIE. It offers useful insights and direction for the Agency’s work, particularly in terms of data collection and informing policy-making in member countries.

Out-of-School Learners

The issue of learners who are out-of-school (OoS) and not in any form of education was identified as a priority for investigation within the context of EASIE work. Three main questions guided activities to explore the issue with the EASIE experts during 2019–2020:

  • What does the concept of ‘out-of-school’ mean?
  • Who are out-of-school learners and what situations are they in?
  • What data on out-of-school learners is being collected and could be collected?

As a result of the activities, three interconnected outputs were developed:

A Background Information Report that presents an overview of information on OoS learners. This includes research studies conducted in the field, but mainly focuses on existing data collection at national and international levels. 

The results of the country survey on OoS learners, conducted in 2019. It provides the full set of information collected via the OoS survey from 19 countries and presents country-specific information on country definitions of and data on out-of-school learners.

A Conceptual Working Paper that underpins developments related to data collection on out-of-school learners within the EASIE work from 2020 onwards. The Conceptual Working Paper provides a rationale for including specific questions about out-of-education children/learners who have no access to any form of education within future EASIE data collection work. 

Key Messages and Findings Report

The EASIE Key Messages and Findings (2014 / 2016) report highlights the key messages and main findings from the first two EASIE datasets and Cross-Country Reports:

  • 2014, based on the 2012/2013 school year
  • 2016, based on the 2014/2015 school year.

This report provides an overarching 'interpretation' of the 2014 and 2016 datasets. It highlights key messages and emerging findings across the datasets that are important for the Agency member countries' work. It does not offer a detailed statistical analysis of the data or cover all forms of data analysis that may be possible using the dataset.

The report presents the 10 key messages emerging from the 2014 and 2016 EASIE work and the main findings in relation to five equity issues that the EASIE work has been developed to examine.

These equity issues are:

  1. Access to mainstream education
  2. Access to inclusive education
  3. Placement of learners with an official decision of SEN
  4. Gender breakdowns of data on placement of learners with an official decision of SEN
  5. ISCED level breakdowns of data on placement of learners with an official decision of SEN.

The report also presents the background to the overall EASIE work. Translations in all Agency languages are available.

Methodology Reports

Methodology reports have been prepared to put the EASIE work into a clear context. They present the relevant information about what has been done, how and why within the EASIE activities.

The first Methodology Report describes the methodology applied to the data collection exercises conducted in 2014 and 2016 (covering the 2012/2013 and 2014/2015 school years, respectively).

The second Methodology Report describes the 2018 data collection exercise (covering the 2016/2017 school year).

The reports present:

  • The conceptual basis for Agency data collection work
  • A timeline of data collection activities since 1999
  • The basis and working procedures for the current EASIE work
  • A description of the methods used for quantitative data collection (country data)
  • A description of the framework for data analysis and interpretation
  • A description of the methods used for qualitative data collection (background information).

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