This section contains news about Agency activities, events, publications, as well as updates from Agency member countries. You can search articles based on their theme, type, year of publication and country they relate to.


Data Collection Informing Inclusive Education

The European Agency Statistics on Inclusive Education (EASIE) work has brought a change to previous practices of quantitative data collection. The focus is now on the entire school population that…
image of young person named Corey and the following quote signed by him: The  SEND reforms aim to cretae a more fluid and inclusive system of support for me and people like me, but it will take time, patience and resources.

UK's Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Reforms

New arrangements in the UK for supporting children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. Read more about the SEND reforms here.
Supporting children’s learning code of practice

Getting it right for every child in Scotland

In Scotland, a national programme called Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) aims to improve outcomes for all children and young people, including educational outcomes.
logo of the Raising Achievement project

eBulletin July 2014

This issue is the first eBulletin to feature news directly from our member countries. Find out about events and developments in the Country news section. Participants from all Agency member countries…
Scottish Learning Festival logo

Raising achievement and attainment for all at the Scottish Learning Festival 2014

The Scottish Learning Festival 2014: Raising achievement and attainment for all will be held on 24-25 September, 2014 in Glasgow.
project experts at the kick-off meeting

Raising the Achievement of all Learners in Inclusive Education Kick-off Meeting

The kick-off meeting for the Agency’s new project Raising the Achievement of all Learners in Inclusive Education was held in Athens on 17–19 June 2014. The project will build on the Agency’s 2012…
young people in a classroom environment

Welsh Government announces fairer system for children with Additional Learning Needs

In the Programme for Government in 2011 the Welsh Government made a commitment to reforming how children and young people with additional learning needs access support in either a school or Further…
student writing a test

Scottish report on ASL submitted to Parliament

The third additional support for learning (ASL) report to the Scottish Parliament was published this year. Produced as a result of duty placed on Scottish Ministers in the 2009 Additional Support for…
project logo

Raising the Achievement of all Learners in Inclusive Education – Project kick-off meeting

The kick off meeting for the Agency’s Raising Achievement project will be held in Athens 17–19 June, as an event under the Greek Presidency of the EU.
Mr Per Ch Gunnvall, Agency Chair, Mr Mark Weinmeister, Secretary of State for European Affairs of the State of Hessen and Mr Cor J. W. Meijer, Agency Director at the new Brussels Office

First meeting at the Agency's future Brussels Office

Agency Representatives Board members met at the premises of the Representation of the State of Hessen (Germany) to the European Union. The Agency's Brussels Office will officially be located in the…
cover of the ICT4I publication

eBulletin April 2014

This newsletter brings you news from the beginning of the new Agency multi-annual work programme for the period 2014–2020. It presents project updates on the new project on Raising Achievement…
cover of the publication

Model Policy for ICTs in Education for Persons with Disabilities - new collaborative publication

A new publication is available, which can serve as a resource for developing the contents of new national policy documents or complement existing policy documents in the field of ICTs in education.…

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