This section contains news about Agency activities, events, publications, as well as updates from Agency member countries. You can search articles based on their theme, type, year of publication and country they relate to.

People sit watching other people on the stage at the front

Shutterstock / Matej Kastelic

Promoting inclusive education in Greece: Final conference in Athens

The final conference for a Technical Support Instrument project promoting inclusive education in Greece will take place on 23 September.
A person stands in front of a projector screen showing an animated video


Education in an Age of Uncertainty: European Conference on Educational Research 2024

The theme of the 2024 European Conference on Educational Research was ‘Education in an Age of Uncertainty: Memory and Hope for the Future’.
Cover of the UNESCO report

The Salamanca Statement Anniversary: 30 Years of Progress? New UNESCO report

UNESCO has published a report on the high-level policy debate that took place to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Salamanca Statement.
Logo of the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education

Agency appoints new Director

The Agency has appointed a new director to lead the organisation from 1 January 2025.
A boy in a classroom is using a computer

Shutterstock / Gorodenkoff

European Agency Statistics on Inclusive Education available for the 2021/2022 school year

As part of its annual data collection work, the Agency has published new data for the 2021/2022 school year from 16 Agency member countries.
People listening to a presentation in a large room with a screen at the front

OEJQS / Yan Sagramola

Inclusive education policy in Europe: Symposium on School Inclusion

The Agency has taken part in a symposium to promote inclusion in Luxembourg.
A person writes on a flip chart, in front of groups of people sitting around tables on either side


Stakeholder consultations on inclusive quality education in Ireland

A series of workshops have taken place in Ireland as part of a Technical Support Instrument project.
A group of people sit in a circle


Technical Support Instrument: More inclusive education through stakeholder engagement in Italy, Portugal and Spain

A series of stakeholder engagement activities have been completed in the Technical Support Instrument EUROCH project in Italy, Portugal and Spain.
Still from the BRIES video showing the activity logo and subtitles which read 'The Building Resilience through Inclusive Education Systems, or BRIES, activity aimed to map out the lessons learnt from the pandemic'.

Building Resilience through Inclusive Education Systems: closing event

The Agency presented its Guidance for Establishing a Culture of Effective Communication in Education during an event to mark the end of the BRIES activity.
Four children play with building blocks that have numbers and letters on them

Shutterstock / Emese

The role of teachers and school leaders in inclusive education: European Commission Working Group on Schools

In May, the Agency took part in a peer-learning activity as part of the European Commission’s Working Group on Schools.
Four people standing in front of a presentation screen


Agency spring 2024 bi-annual meeting: Working for and with member countries

The spring 2024 bi-annual meeting of Agency country representatives took place in Tallinn, Estonia, on 21–24 May.
Logo: Malta National Education Strategy 2024-2030

Fieldwork in re-audit of the inclusive education system in Malta

The Agency has conducted fieldwork as part of the re-audit of Malta’s inclusive education system.

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