Within legislation and policy, there must be a clear concept of equitable high-quality inclusive education, which should inform a single legislative and policy framework for all learners as the basis for rights-based practice.

Within legislation and policy, there must be a clear concept of equitable high-quality inclusive education, agreed with stakeholders. This should inform a single legislative and policy framework for all learners, aligned with key international and European-level conventions and communications, as the basis for rights-based practice.

Establishing a single framework is crucial to fulfil all learners’ rights, both to education and within education. The framework should provide inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning for all, and ensure that economic, social, cultural or personal circumstances do not become sources of discrimination. Stakeholders must be aware of the benefits of inclusive education as a basis for a more inclusive society.

More information about the Key Principles for supporting policy development and implementation for inclusive education is available in the Key Principles web area.

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