Country Policy Review and Analysis – Methodology Report

This report presents the methodology and materials developed within the first phase of the Country Policy Review and Analysis (CPRA) activities. This phase involved eight countries – France, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Norway, Portugal, United Kingdom (England) and United Kingdom (Scotland) – in piloting work.

The goal of the CPRA work is to aid country reflection regarding the development of policy for inclusive education. It aims to act as a tool to stimulate discussion in the country concerned. Its central focus is to analyse the available information about current country policy for inclusive education; the CPRA work does not in any way address the actual implementation of the policy being considered.

The CPRA work has been developed to provide a new form of individualised country information. This provides countries with a reflection on their current policy frameworks for inclusive education. It also offers them recommendations for priorities to be addressed that are specific to their country. The CPRA analysis provides a comprehensive, rich and very focused source of information on policy for inclusive education in countries.

For more information, visit the CPRA web area.

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