Inclusive Early Childhood Education: New Insights and Tools – Final Summary Report

This report is a summary of the synthesis report that brings together the main findings of the Inclusive Early Childhood Education (IECE) project. The summary report focuses on the project’s three new contributions to policy-making, research and practice in IECE. These are:

  • a rationale for and implications of adopting an inclusive vision and goals as the main standards of IECE policy and provision;
  • the development and use by practitioners of a Self-Reflection Tool for improving IECE settings;
  • adaptation of an Ecosystem Model of IECE within the setting, community and national levels.

The report concludes with a set of recommendations mainly directed at policy-makers. They are presented within the framework of the new Ecosystem Model of IECE.

For more information on the IECE project, visit the project web area.

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