Financing of Inclusive Education: Mapping Country Systems for Inclusive Education

Countries have grown increasingly committed to the aim of inclusive education in recent decades and have developed financial, technical and methodological incentives. As a result, financing of inclusive education has become a crucial topic for evaluating the extent to which existing inclusive education policies effectively meet learners’ rights, improve schools’ capacity to be equitable, effective and efficient, and avoid the short- and long-term costs of exclusion related to lost productivity, human potential, health and poor well-being.

This report examines the funding of inclusive education. It particularly focuses on funding mechanisms within the systems for inclusive education, targeted at meeting the needs of learners with recognised special educational needs. The Financing of Inclusive Education project was conducted via desk research and country data gathering between 2015 and 2016.

The publication's Annex provides visual overviews of funding mechanisms underpinning each country's system for inclusive education.

For more information about the project and other materials, visit the Financing project web area.

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