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Voices into Action (VIA) Toolkit

A digital resource supporting learner and family participation in educational decision-making

Resource library

This area contains resources that are relevant to the VIA Framework, and that stakeholders can consult to inform planning, participation and evaluation processes. Click 'show filters' below to narrow resources down by topic area. Click 'clear filters' to reset your search.

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56 resources
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European Union
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This easy-to-read online resource, developed in partnership with two groups of Irish children, outlines the six key elements of the EU’s plan for children’s rights and how each will be achieved:

  • Participation
  • Inclusion in society
  • Safety from harm
  • Child-friendly justice
  • Digital world
  • Helping children worldwide.
Directed at young people/families, European resources, Reflection and evaluation, The role of schools/school leaders, Use of technology
Yulianti, Denessen, Droop & Veerman, 2022, Educational Studies
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This open-access paper describes a study in Indonesia that investigated how school leaders and teachers foster parents’ involvement in their children’s education.

Directed at young people/families, Policy-level approaches, Practical tools: Space, Practical tools: Voice, Practical tools: Audience, Practical tools: Influence, The role of schools/school leaders
UK: The Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (OFSTED)
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This UK: The Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (OFSTED) report examines the importance of listening to the voice of the child in serious case reviews, particularly those involving vulnerable children within the care and judicial systems. It also considers the extent to which the voices of parents and other caregivers should be considered in these complex circumstances.

Ethical considerations, Policy-level approaches, Supporting marginalised voices
Center for Universal Education at Brookings, USA
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This playbook explains why and how to encourage engagement between families, communities and schools to improve and transform education systems.

Directed at young people/families, Practical tools: Space, Practical tools: Voice, Practical tools: Audience, Practical tools: Influence, Supporting marginalised voices, The role of schools/school leaders
Education Scotland
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This toolkit from Education Scotland helps practitioners develop a strategy for parental involvement/engagement, including establishing parent councils. It contains 11 detailed sections covering specific topics, from family learning, to home-school partnerships.

Directed at young people/families, Policy-level approaches, Practical tools: Space, Practical tools: Voice, Practical tools: Audience, Practical tools: Influence, The role of schools/school leaders
Epstein & Sheldon, 2016, Sage Handbook for Research in Education, (extract)
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This book excerpt shares seven research-based principles to help researchers frame questions and apply methods to evaluate stakeholder partnerships. It also helps educators, parents and community members to collaborate and support school communities.

The role of schools/school leaders
Flecha & Soler, 2013, Cambridge Journal of Education
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This open-access publication shares the experience of one Spanish school and its efforts to engage Roma learners and families by encouraging egalitarian dialogue.

Directed at young people/families, Policy-level approaches, Supporting marginalised voices, The role of schools/school leaders
Ice, Thapa & Cohen, 2015 School Community Journal
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This open-access paper from the United States describes a study that aimed to understand community members’ perceptions of school climate and their interest in working with schools to improve it.

Directed at young people/families, Policy-level approaches, The role of schools/school leaders
Truscott & Benton, 2022, University College London
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This short, engaging video helps children better understand research. The video can be used by researchers from many fields to help them explain what they do.

Directed at young people/families, Ethical considerations, Practical tools: Voice