Information and Communication Technology for Inclusion – Research Literature Review

The Agency ICT for Inclusion (ICT4I) project (2012–2013) aimed to collect information about the use of ICT to support the learning of learners with disabilities and special educational needs in inclusive settings within compulsory education. The project provided an update to the Information and Communication Technology in Special Needs Education project (1999–2001). It built upon work done as part of the practice review on the use of ICTs in Education for People with Disabilities, conducted jointly with the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (IITE) in 2010/2011. 

This research literature review examines available literature that focuses on the use of technology to support inclusive teaching and learning. It mainly covers school-age state-funded compulsory education. However, it also refers to research information on wider inclusion and technology issues, in recognition that learning continues outside of formal education. Therefore, this review touches upon the use of ICT for inclusion in pre-primary, vocational, further and higher education, as well as lifelong learning settings. To complement this research literature review, there is a review of European and International Policy Supporting ICT for Inclusion.

For more information, visit the ICT4I project web area.

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