Guidelines for Accessible Information

The Guidelines for Accessible Information were developed by the ICT for Information Accessibility in Learning (ICT4IAL) project, which was a multi-disciplinary network of European and international partners representing both learning and ICT communities.

The Guidelines for Accessible Information are an open educational resource to support the creation of accessible information in general and for learning in particular. The Guidelines do not aim to contain all available information on accessibility or cover every aspect of the field. However, they summarise and link to existing and useful resources which can be helpful for those who are not information and communication technology experts.

The purpose of developing such Guidelines is to support the work of practitioners and organisations working in the field of education to provide accessible information to learners who require and will benefit from more accessible information. The procedure for creating accessible information is universal. Therefore, these Guidelines support all individuals or organisations wishing to create information that is accessible in different formats.

For more information about ICT4IAL, visit the dedicated project website.

The Guidelines are available below for download in PDF and Word formats. In addition to 23 official Agency languages, the publication is available in Arabic, Chinese and Russian.

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higher education
information accessibility
information and communication technology
international co-operation
lifelong learning

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