Organisation of Provision to Support Inclusive Education – Literature Review

The Organisation of Provision to Support Inclusive Education project ran from 2011 to 2014. It addressed the question: how are systems of provision organised to meet the needs of learners identified as having disabilities under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities?

This literature review firstly discusses the different interpretations of inclusion presented in the literature and used by Agency member countries. It then summarises the conceptual framework underpinning the Organisation of Provision project and describes the methodology used to conduct this literature review. 

The review provides the conceptual framework for the project and explores:

  • inclusion as a process of change;
  • strengthening the capacity of mainstream settings;
  • systems of support at community, school and classroom levels;
  • the role of special schools in a policy climate of inclusion;
  • resource allocation and funding approaches.

For more information, visit the Organisation of Provision web area.

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