The Agency’s latest open-access publications are available below. The Agency Open Access Policy allows the public to freely access, download and share these resources. Certain resources, such as practical tools, are also open source. You can modify open-source resources to suit your needs. Please refer to the publication information page at the beginning of any publication to confirm its licence and usage guidelines.

Publications are available in up to 25 Agency languages. You can use the filters to search and select the publications you want to see based on their theme, type (such as reports, literature reviews, flyers), the countries they relate to, the language and the year. The Archive filter allows you to select publications from before 2014. You can select multiple filters to narrow down your search.

Visit the publications listing page for a complete list of Agency publications, along with details, links and filters based on theme, type, language, year and file type.

ICT4IAL project logo

Making Your Organisation's Information Accessible For All

This report contains recommendations for organisations that wish to provide accessible information in the education sector in particular, but also more widely as the processes are universal.
cover for the Guidelines for Accessible Information

Guidelines for Accessible Information

The Guidelines for Accessible Information are an open educational resource to support the creation of accessible information in general and for learning in particular.
image of the Agency position on inclusive education systems flyer

Agency position on inclusive education systems – First edition

This paper presents the essential features of inclusive education systems that will be used to guide the development and direction of Agency activities in the medium to long term.
summary flyer

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