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Voices into Action (VIA) Toolkit

A digital resource supporting learner and family participation in educational decision-making

Influence: Acting upon learner and family voices

Checklist: How to cultivate agency, shared power and responsibility for decision-making processes and outcomes
  • Record voices accurately, without distorting or removing their meaning 

  • Take all voices seriously, with the intent to act upon them as appropriate and possible. Give all views due weight and proper consideration – even if they cannot be incorporated into final decisions 

  • Give appropriate feedback to all participants and other stakeholders. Communicate final decisions and explain how and why their voices had (or did not have) an impact 

  • Involve participants in evaluating the whole process, including planning, implementation and follow-up, with the aim of improving initiatives for the future 

  • Provide clear opportunities for participants to continue to ask questions and engage in next steps

Practical tools

Harris & Manatakis, 2013, University of South Australia in partnership with the South Australian Department for Education and Child Development, Adelaide

Children’s Voices: A principled framework for children and young people’s participation as valued citizens and learners

This collection of tools and resources for education practitioners, researchers and policy-makers supports children’s participation as active citizens and learners.