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Voices into Action (VIA) Toolkit

A digital resource supporting learner and family participation in educational decision-making

Voice: Providing support and building capacity for meaningful participation

Checklist: How to equip stakeholders to participate meaningfully and ensure choice, knowledge and guidance
  • Share accessible background resources in appropriate formats explaining the topic(s) at hand, the processes and possible outcomes 

  • Provide support and professional learning opportunities to those interacting with learners and families, to develop relevant knowledge, understanding and skills 

  • Provide appropriate working methods, adapted to individual participants’ profiles and capacities 

  • Encourage participants to express their views in a way that is accessible, relevant, appropriate and meaningful, keeping in mind context, age and preferences (cultural, linguistic, artistic, creative, spoken, written, recorded, etc.) 

  • Explain to participants that others may have different opinions from theirs, and decisions will take all voices into account 

  • Set realistic expectations, clarifying that participating and voicing one’s opinions does not guarantee desired outcomes

Practical tools