Over the three year project period, a range of materials and outputs have been developed in collaboration with the partners. 

  • The Project Conceptual Framework outlines the theoretical basis for the FPIES Project and as an initial draft it guided the writing of Country Reports and organisation of the Country Study Visits. 
  • The main project activities included six Country Study Visits (CSV). Each CSV involved a wide range of relevant stakeholders from ministry, municipality and school level in the host country and ministry level visitors from three of the other five partner countries. These country level policy exchanges produced meta-level information sources that were used as the basis for the project analysis activities and were recorded in Country Reports and Country Study Visit Reports. These are accessible in the Country partner pages.
  • The project synthesis report: Resourcing Levers to Reduce Disparity in Education presents an analysis of the findings emerging from all the FPIES project activities, country reports, study visits and study visit reports. The main findings and results are presented in a summary report which is available in 25 languages.
  • The Policy Guidance Framework and a range of supporting materials are a main output of the FPIES project. This tool is based on meta-level findings, collected and analysed from across countries. The aim is to present guidance to policy makers for inclusive education. It was developed with and validated by the ministerial representatives of all Agency member countries.
  • A flyer in all partner languages that introduces the FPIES project is also available.
  • The Final Evaluation Report has been prepared by the external evaluators from Universitat Ramon Llull in Barcelona. This report contains the results of the evaluation developed throughout the FPIES project and its main objective is to present the main challenges and strengths of the project. The formative project evaluation generated knowledge that might be used for supporting other priority themes highlighted within the ET 2020 Strategic Framework.

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