This area contains Multimedia materials including key messages, Agency presentations and links to videos from the Agency YouTube channel.

The COVID-19 pandemic showed that digital and inclusive education promote greater system resilience. Organisations that had prepared for inclusive digital education before COVID-19 seemed to fare better in the crisis.
Use a wide range of models, approaches and resources to enable all to participate meaningfully in educational decision-making.

Infographic: Voices into Action

screenshot of the VIA infographic

This infographic, available in all Agency languages, was developed as part of the Voices into Action (VIA) activity. It presents the VIA Framework for Meaningful Participation in Inclusive Education. Policy-makers, school leaders, teachers and other stakeholders can use the framework to encourage meaningful participation of learners and families in educational decision‑making across all education levels.

Vulnerability to exclusion in digital education can be associated with learning-related phenomena that are strongly linked to (societal) system mechanisms.
Most countries still use a categorical approach underpinned by a medical model within special needs education, that considers learners as having deficits that require compensatory measures in provision.
Policy must systematise processes for the meaningful participation of learners and families at national, local and community levels.
Real progress towards inclusive education systems can only happen when we recognise, listen to, understand and act on all voices.
Create synergies and ways of working with NGOs and civil society organisations to increase the participation of learners and their families in educational decision-making.
Inclusive education is not only about policies to support individual learners. A comprehensive range of policies at all levels must refer to and implement inclusive education.

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