This area contains Multimedia materials including key messages, Agency presentations and links to videos from the Agency YouTube channel.


Policy must systematise processes for the meaningful participation of learners and families at national, local and community levels.
Real progress towards inclusive education systems can only happen when we recognise, listen to, understand and act on all voices.
Create synergies and ways of working with NGOs and civil society organisations to increase the participation of learners and their families in educational decision-making.
Inclusive education is not only about policies to support individual learners. A comprehensive range of policies at all levels must refer to and implement inclusive education.
To fully address education-system factors relating to discrimination and the underachievement of vulnerable groups, policy must focus on equity and the importance of fairness in educational opportunities.
Collaborative work within ministries of education, and with other ministries, institutions and authorities, is a prerequisite to ensure coherent policies for inclusive education.
Sustainable development towards inclusive education requires a combination of three policy approaches – prevention, intervention and compensation.
An effective governance plan sets out clear roles and responsibilities, opportunities for collaboration and levels of autonomy throughout all system levels.
Inclusive education systems require a strategy to increase participation in quality inclusive early childhood education and support families experiencing disadvantage.
A single curriculum framework is needed that is sufficiently flexible to provide relevant opportunities for all learners, and an assessment framework that recognises and validates attainment and wider achievement.
A strategy is needed to support all learners at times of transition between phases of education – and particularly as they move into adult life.

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