This area contains Multimedia materials including key messages, Agency presentations and links to videos from the Agency YouTube channel.

Within legislation and policy, there must be a clear concept of equitable high-quality inclusive education, which should inform a single legislative and policy framework for all learners as the basis for rights-based practice.
Changing the role of specialist provision towards supporting inclusive education is closely related to ensuring the rights of all learners to high-quality inclusive education.
Policy can build capacity for teacher professional learning for inclusion in various ways, including collaborative approaches and providing adequate funding and effective monitoring.
Policy must review goals and consider competence areas for teacher professional learning for inclusion, and ensure a continuum of support for all teachers, schools and higher education institutions.
To prepare all teachers for inclusion, all educators must have access to a coherent and continuous range of professional learning opportunities focusing on equity and inclusion.
Data analysis reveals the need to further enable specialist provision to act as a resource for mainstream provision and to equip stakeholders to implement inclusive education.
Policy developments in governance mechanisms are needed to support co-operation between specialist and mainstream provision at all levels.
Four cross-sectoral policy areas (governance, funding, capacity building and quality assurance mechanisms) need further development to effectively support the changing role of specialist provision in supporting mainstream schools to be inclusive.
Preventing school failure involves developing an inclusive system where all learners – including those at risk of failure and most vulnerable to exclusion – receive a high-quality education.

Roles and responsibilities of inclusive school leaders within the ecosystem of inclusive education systems

Supporting Inclusive School Leadership: Ecosystem Model image

This six-page infographic was developed as part of the Supporting Inclusive School Leadership (SISL) project. Adapted from the Agency’s ecosystem model of inclusive education systems, it focuses on the four ecosystem levels and represents the elements of the model that are relevant for school leadership.

For more information, see the SISL project synthesis report.

Download this infographic below and share it using the Agency’s hashtag: #EASNIE

To deal with school failure, countries should prioritise policy approaches focusing on prevention, instead of compensation and intervention.
A systemic approach to preventing school failure aims to identify and overcome institutional barriers at all levels that might cause school failure. In doing so, it promotes an inclusive ecosystem that ensures both equity and excellence.

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