Profile for Inclusive Teacher Professional Learning: Including all education professionals in teacher professional learning for inclusion

Phase 2 of the Teacher Professional Learning for Inclusion (TPL4I) project revisited the Agency’s 2012 Profile of Inclusive Teachers to consider its relevance and use for all education professionals.

The result is the 2022 Profile for Inclusive Teacher Professional Learning, which builds on the 2012 Profile to present a tool for a wider group of stakeholders. It invites education professionals and policy-makers to consider inclusive TPL competences from a whole-school and community perspective.

The full report is available in English as a PDF. It presents the 2022 Profile, essential features of competence development for inclusion and the proposed framework for such competence development. It explains the Profile’s development, offers guidance for its use and provides country examples of competence-based professional development for inclusion.

The Profile – i.e. the framework for competence development for inclusive education – is also available as an open-source Word file in all Agency languages. You are free to access, use, modify and disseminate it with appropriate credit to the Agency. It may be used separately from or in alignment with existing competence frameworks for teachers and other education professionals.

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